
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Face the flip-flop

I just watched a bit of John McCain on Face the Nation this morn. There must be an election coming, since talk is changing. Mind you, actual actions of the administration aren't changing, just the rhetoric.

We're all seeing the results of 6 years of breaking off relations with North Korea and wavering between provoking and ignoring them instead of dealing with the problem. The new talking point? China has to step up in their role as a superpower. What? Haven't we been basking in the glow of declaring ourselves as the only superpower and getting lots of political points for that attitude? So now that ignoring a festering problem have become a real potential danger, we're going to look to China to protect us? What's next to come out of this neocon administration?

Well, that would be another great point that McCain was supposed to get across, that now we want to "get tough on Russia". Like the new attitude about China above, I'm really not making this up. In perhaps the biggest political flip-flop I've ever seen, we're pontificating returning Russia to the status of Cold War enemy, instead of helping them become a better ally. Now, I know there's a lot of money to be made by defense contractors should Russia become a true enemy, but call me a loopy liberal - but I'd much rather have them as an ally.

We sooooooo have to get these people out of power.


  • Flip-flop update. Until today, dubya's administration has said that the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have no rights because the Geneva Conventions are no longer applicable to the United States. That means that both the very, very bad people there, and the people that just happened to be standing nearby when bad people were rounded up, cannot send word to their families, have access to a lawyer, are not protected against torture, and do not even need to be charged with a crime.

    Today it was announced that the United States is going to return to the Geneva Conventions.

    Yet another flip-flop from the administration that constantly touts "stick by your guns" as a great policy, no matter what evidence, truth and the will of the people are. Once again, they must react to an upcoming election when they have no clear direction of where they're going - except for political rhetoric.

    By Blogger zblog, at 9:55 AM  

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