
Friday, August 04, 2006

Stating facts can still be treason

The Pentagon announced the completion of its primary investigation into Haditha, which found that Marines deliberately shot civilians, including unarmed women and children.

This is indeed a horrible crime, and not indicative of the conduct of the US military. Now that the coverup of this incident has been blown, it turns out that Representative Jack Murtha was right. That isn't stopping the right from attacking him, though. In addition to the continued assault on his character, there's now a slander lawsuit against Murtha - even though his statements have been proven to be true.

Even when they're proven to be completely wrong, that does not stop the far right from yelling just how "right" they are. Aren't you glad people like that are running all three branches of our government, with no accountability?

(political cartoon credit to Tony Auth)


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