
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Aging and need of medical care?

Then George W. Bush has a message for you: I'm not running for re-election, so I'm totally free to do what I want, and that is to screw you!

It is no secret that Medicare is hurting due to increased costs and an aging population. Rather than help the situation, the Bush Administration is set to give Medicare-providing doctors a 10.6 pay cut on 7/1/08. Every non-political expert agreed that the effect of this would be doctors refusing to take on new Medicare patients. This would result in untold masses of baby boomers being unable to receive the benefits that they have already paid for with past taxes.

Thankfully, Bush and the GOP no longer have a monopoly on all branches of government. The Democratic-controlled Congress is trying to pass legislation to prevent the Bush medical cut to seniors. However, there’s an uphill battle ahead. Most Senate Republicans are in lock-step unison with Bush’s marching orders, leaving 59 for and 41 against. Under Senate rules, the GOP can block progress of this legislation, plus Bush has threatened to veto it anyway.

So, the Democrats are trying to give seniors what they have already paid for, but it is difficult to overcome the assault on the poor and middle class coming from the other side of the aisle.

Don't like the sound of this? Well, if your state has a Republican Senator, call their office and tell them to NOT support the party's proposed cut to Medicare.


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