
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Politicizing national security

Jim Moore has written three books, all critical of George Bush, and all considered factually correct. “Bush’s War for Reelection”, “Bush’s Brain”, and “The Architect” are the books, and they revealed facts about Carl Rove’s role in dubya’s ascension, dubya’s actual military service during Vietnam, what Bush knew about Iraq and much more. For this, the Bush Administration has labeled him as a terrorist, and his inclusion on the terror watch list makes flying nearly impossible.

Whether or not you would agree with Moore’s writing, one devastating consequence is unavoidable. When you have the Bush Administration manipulating legitimate anti-terrorism tools for political vengeance, the legitimacy and usefulness of such tools is greatly diminished. Since everybody knows that Bush’s political enemies will be on the terror watch list, and actual terrorist is much more likely to get by security by simply explaining that they got on the list by doing work for the Democratic party.

National security should not be politicized – yet one more reason we need to get this mentality out of Washington by voting for Obama over McCain. A lot of damage has been done to America by the Republican Party’s caustic politicizing mentality, and we need to return to the US Government acting above politics for the good of the people.


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