
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mixing GOP with Big Oil

Culture of corruption between the US government under Republican leadership and big oil

Federal investigators had found that under Republican leadership, cronyism and pro-big-oil energy policy, government officials handling billions of dollars in oil royalties improperly engaged in sex with employees of energy companies they were dealing with and received numerous gifts from them. This added up to, and potentially far beyond, a BILLION dollars to big oil companies' profits, from the pockets of US taxpayers.

The alleged transgressions involve 13 former and current Interior Department employees in Denver and Washington. Their alleged improprieties include rigging contracts, working part-time as private oil consultants, and having sexual relationships with -- and accepting golf and ski trips and dinners from -- oil company employees, according to three reports released Wednesday by the Interior Department's inspector general.

The investigations reveal a "culture of substance abuse and promiscuity" wrote Inspector General Earl E. Devaney. The reports describe a fraternity house atmosphere inside the Denver Minerals Management Service office responsible for marketing the oil and gas that energy companies barter to the government instead of making cash royalty payments for drilling on federal lands.

John McCain is not only on board with the same old GOP energy policy of pumping up big oil, but he wants to GIVE AWAY massive amounts of drilling rights on federal lands and waters to big oil companies. This is in addition to the millions of acres of oil-rich land that the US Government has already given to big oil, but that big oil refuses to drill, so they can keep those assets safely tucked away to insure future windfall profits. Plus with the running mate assigned to McCain, you can be sure they're in complete agreement with following the same old energy policy, now with more drilling instead of addressing the real problem of oil dependency.


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