
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Overseas healthcare

Good episode of Fresh Air on NPR.

Journalist and author T.R. Reid set out on a global tour of hospitals and doctors' offices, all in the hopes of understanding how other industrialized nations provide affordable, effective universal health care. The result: his book The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care.

Know the actual facts, not political party talking points, telling you how horrible healthcare is outside of the United States.

There are conservative vs. progressive debates in countries with healthcare for all their citizens too. The difference is that elsewhere, the debate is how to best deliver healthcare to their citizens, not whether or not is should even happen.

It is so frustrating to have to look elsewhere in the world for leadership and better solutions. America used to be better than it is, but our spiral into "profits at all costs" is literally killing us.

How can it be that so obvious a social good as universal health insurance, so humane a solution to common vulnerability, is not sewn deep into the fabric of the United States? How can one of the biggest, richest and most advanced countries in the world tolerate a situation where, at any one time, one in six of the population has to pay for their treatment item by item, or resort to hospital casualty wards?

Of course, when Republicans talk about the importance of prayer and fasting as tools for making sure the President of their own country fails, it becomes difficult to reason with them.


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