
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Keep this in mind about Al-Zarqawi

The killing of that murderer is being touted at a great success in the US war for Iraq's oil.

Yes, it's a very good thing that he's out of the picture. Indeed, people (and I use that term loosely) like him should not be allowed to exist in society, for he lived only to kill and destroy. Right-wing talk radio and the right-leaning mass media either suggest our outright say that anyone opposed to dubya's war for oil somehow sympathize with that monster. Although this is obviously a load of crap, there are actually ditto-heads out there impressionable enough to believe it. Well, aside from this doo-doo, consider a few facts.

Before the US invasion, the US military planners warned of a vast insurgency if enough troops (between 250,000 to 500,000 depending on which actual expert you asked) weren't immediately deployed to provide basic security. Their recommendations were overridden by the Bush administration for reasons not given.

Before the US invasion, US military planners gave the White House reports on exactly where Al-Zarqawi and his terrorists camps were in the US-protected "no fly zone". That's right, Bush could have ordered this monster and his minions killed or arrested at any time. Instead, he PROTECTED Al-Zarqawi from Saddam. Indeed, Saddam saw Al-Zarqawi and al-Qaeda as a thread and didn't want either in Iraq.

During the US invasion, the US army siezed a massive munitions dump. They were ordered to LEAVE the bombs behind. The oil fields, however, were very well protected. When the US army was following their order to leave the bombs unprotected, insurgents started looting it. The army reported this to the administration, explicitly stating that very bad people were walking off with tons of guns, bullets, bombs, RPGs, and every kind of military weapon that Saddam had amassed.

Yes, the US army is doing the best job they can, given their circumstances. Getting Al-Zarqawi was a success for the military, given the hand they were dealt. The lack of planning for the post-invasion portion of the war for oil, or possibly even the very successful planning that has lead to the current insurgency, comes from the Bush administration. That is the cause for the current state of Iraq. The army is not to be blamed for this situation, no matter what the conservative media says.

So, if you're tempted to applaud dubya and his war planners for helping to lessen the insurgency in Iraq, remember that they took explicit steps that allowed it to take off and flourish.


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