
Friday, June 23, 2006

Neocon watch - Grover

Grover Norquist is a neocon insider and field marshal of dubyanomics. He's fairly well known for his position that the US government should be completely disbanded except for the military. In his own words, words that he stands behind and believes (really this isn't taken out of context, he actually advocates this):

"My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."

Remember, the military is 1/2 of government spending, and that is not to be reduced. So, if you don't touch the military, but cut the government in 1/2, there is nothing else remaining. Hence the bathtub comment.

That is the ultimate, pure form of capitalism. No government, only corporations. For an example of how utopic this would be, there's one country on earth with this setup. That would be Somalia. Again, this is not taking things out of context - the end-game goal of neocon economics involves 100% privatization. That includes the elimination of public schools, courts, parks, unions, unemployment insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, government-built roads and bridges and government-controlled police, fire and other services. Anything that is currently a reason to have a government would need to be privately funded. Very efficient for the ultra-rich. Hell on earth for the common folk. Ask the residents of Mogadishu.

Anyway, I digress. Grover is not in the news today due to these established plans. He's not in the news today because the is THE MAN that the neocon-controlled Republican Party has anointed as the economist to shape our future. No, he's back in the news because one of his tactics to get the entire Republican party behind this plan has been revealed. Of course, the plan involves money, and lots of it. His preferred way of controlling politicians economically? By laundering money for Jack Abramoff, the lobbyist caught illegally buying political influence.

No wonder he has been held in such high regard by dubya and his handlers. His dedication to the "abolish government by bankrupting it" ideal justifies, in his mind, criminal behavior. For good measure, he also said that applying the estate tax to the untaxed fortunes of the ultra-rich was a much a crime against humanity as the Holocaust.

Can we please go back to having leaders that work for the GOOD of the country and a BETTER future for Americans? I'm really sick of the current lot in power.


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