
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Stem cell fact

There is a right-wing extremist talking point going around concerning stem cells. If you listen to Rush, you're familiar with the statement that stem cell research is funded by pro-abortion people because it takes abortion to create stem cells for research. Rush flatly states this with no hesitation or conscience. This right-wing talking point is, in no uncertain terms, a lie. It is meant to create outrage so the gullible parts of "the base" will join extremist conservative positions.

The simple fact is that all people, from newborns to the elderly, have stem cells in their body. These are very long-lived cells, but they can die from normal causes, and there is no abortion being performed.

Now, the real center of the stem cell debate is really embryonic stem cells. The current method for getting ES cells is to use frozen, unwanted and unused fertilized blastocysts that are slated for destruction. These blastocysts are a byproduct of invitro fertilization, the process that brings children to scores of happy parents. Those opposed to ES cell research claim a moral high ground by claiming they're "pro life". However, their solution is to incinerate the excess blastocysts, instead of using them for scientific research.

Another simple fact - there is no such thing as this mystical pro-abortion position that the extreme right keeps claiming that anyone not fully in agreement with their position supports. People who support a woman's right to choose do not want abortions to occur. When necessary, however, they should safe and they should always be rare. Studies have shown that industrialized countries that outlaw abortions do not see a decline in the number of abortions performed - however they become unsafe and result in the injuries and deaths of women.

Know the facts. Know the players and their motivations. Follow the money trail when talking points claim to be purely moral. Never accept extremist talking points blindly - from either side. Be in the know.


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