
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More fun from the right

So, Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig was arrested, fined, and plead guilty to lewd behavior in public - trying to solicit gay sex in an airport bathroom.

Normally, if someone wants to have an extra-marital affair, that's nobody's business except for that person, the co-adulterer, and the spouse who was cheated on. If somehow all 3 parties are knowledgeable if this and are OK with it, it's a private matter.

Secondly, I don't care what political party he's from, nor how the Bush Administration has "interpreted" the Constitution - people should still be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

But, here's the 3 "big buts".

  1. Craig was caught in the act, and plead guilty. He didn't keep his antics private, they were in public, and that is a crime. His insistence of "misinterpretation" after conferring with his lawyers rings more than a bit hollow

  2. This is not new behavior from Craig. He's done it before, it was known, it was reported, and those that revealed it were chastised by the conservative media for daring to bring it up, and usually accused of lying. During Craig's latest election and prior to his arrest, his fellow conservatives said Craig's private sexual behavior was irrelevant. Now they say he's a disgusting "weasel" who should resign.

  3. Like most big politicians in the new conservative movement, Craig touted himself as a "family values" candidate. That would be the kind of person who opposes any form of adultery or homosexuality. This coming from the mouth of a man who repeatedly had sex with anonymous men in public bathrooms.

The hypocrisy is overwhelming, yet so typical of what the Republican Party has degraded to. Craig's fellow Republican Senators looked the other way as they all spouted support for each other because of superior morality. Now that Craig's antics have gotten beyond the GOP closed doors and into the public eye, those same previously-supportive Republican Senators are now calling for an ethics committee review of his case.

Want some more hypocrisy? How about Craig scolding Clinton for his affair, while having many of his own.

The truly sad thing is that there is so little shock at the level of hypocrisy, morality and turncoating coming from the GOP. That is how far they have sunk, and the public is pretty much used to it.


  • By the way - the lewd behavior leading to Craig's arrest happened in June. By his own admission, Craig hoped to "make the matter go away". He and his fellow "family values" party was able to hush this up for a few months, with no outcry from the GOP. Once it was leaked and the public found out about it, however, his fellow supporters couldn't turn on him fast enough. Typical.

    By Blogger zblog, at 7:14 PM  

  • Of course, September is gone, and Craig did not resign as he stated he would. He did leave himself the caveat that if his plea was thrown out, that he would stay on - but that did not happen. His guilty plea, which he entered after deliberating with his legal team, remained a guilty plea. Despite his "intent to resign", he's staying on. Typical liar, cannot stop.

    And for an added bonus, yet another anti-gay Republican has been caught in same-sex acts. This time a state senator from Washington.

    Can't the GOP just let their members be themselves?

    By Blogger zblog, at 9:50 PM  

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