
Monday, July 14, 2008

Energy solution?

We have had a growing energy problem in this country for a long time, and now that gas prices have skyrocketed under Bush, the problem is finally being recognized by the mainstream. Now that gas prices are over $4/gallon, due in no small part to the GOP energy policy, everybody wants a solution, and of course it’s hard to find a politician without one.

The general Democratic position is largely unchanged – get off of foreign oil by investing in the technology of renewable energy. Jobs will be created as the solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal plants, and tidal/wave energy turbines are constructed and installed. Existing coal plants can be retrofitted to be cleaner, gas mileage on cars and trucks can be increased, and transportation can transition to hybrid, electricity or natural gas. Granted, this will take time and cost money, but it will take just as much time as the Republican plan, cost taxpayers far, far less than wars for oil, and will leave us with a real solution for the future of energy in America.

The centerpiece of the Republican plan is more oil. Drilling offshore and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would take about 10 years to see the results, and that result would be an increase, according to oil experts, of 2% of the world’s supply. The results would therefore be about a 2% reduction in the price of gas, and an enormous amount of pollution. Drilling expansion is being pushed for hard right now by Bush and McCain, even though it was President Bush the first that signed the executive order banning offshore drilling. But if this is their solution, why did they wait through dubya’s entire two terms to start talking about it? Because they expected to lose the 2008 election, and if they implemented their drilling policy in 2000, the marginal positive effect would be felt during a Democratic presidency. By waiting for 7-8 years, they’re hoping to recapture the White House in 2012 or 2016, and be in place when that 2% price decrease hits so they can declare victory. So what’s their plan for now? Well, they’re beating the war drums for attacking the Iranian people, which would create global chaos for President Obama, but could result in US oil companies taking over Iranian oil fields years from now, in the aftermath. Until then, get ready for $10/gallon gas if they succeed with the war expansion. Nice, huh?


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