
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Leadership in energy independence

No, once again, not from the US. The Republican Party's energy policy ground alternative energy research to a halt, perpetuating our dependence on foreign oil. It seems obvious that this is a threat to our national security and our very independence, but the current "leadership", which includes John McCain, sees only foreign oil and high profits as a solution.

Other countries do not agree. It is sad that we must constantly look abroad to other countries for examples of long-term energy policies that benefit the citizenry. The latest example comes from India where their government has unveiled a national action plan to confront the threat posed by climate change.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the plan envisaged a gradual shift to greater reliance on sustainable sources of energy. Mr Singh said the development of India's capacity to tap solar power would be central to the strategy.

Yet again, America must look to other countries for leadership in dealing with the dependence on foreign oil, global climate change, and developing renewable and clean sources of energy.BBC article

We sooooooooo, need a change in the entrenched Washington mindset of the Bush oil-based energy policy (which McCain, of course, happily went along with, despite his latest words attempting to hide his past votes)

And, should you need it, here's how to talk to a climate skeptic:


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