
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Israel approves Hezbollah prisoner swap
So, when someone like Barack Obama says we should have discussions with Iran instead of simply replacing all diplomacy with military posturing, the right blasts him for being a traitor because this somehow means he wants to surrender to our enemies. The GOP party line that they give to the public is that they will never talk to terrorists because they’re tough (of course, don’t compare that with their actions if you want consistency).

So here we have Israel negotiating with Hezbollah. How come we don’t see Bush and McCain insulting Israel and the Israeli people for being traitors to their own country and for surrendering to the terrorists? How come the neocon talking heads aren’t proclaiming their moral superiority to the leadership of Israel because those leaders aren’t following the GOP party rhetoric? Where are the insults, the taunting, the belittling? Isn’t that what they do when someone so much as suggests talking to someone that the Republican leadership decrees should not be talked to? Or could this all just be a bunch of political BS that they stir around to make their image different from reality? Perhaps they care more about the political façade of complex global issues than the issues themselves.

Given their history, especially since 1998, I know we shouldn’t expect any kind of consistency from the GOP leadership, but once and a while it would be nice if consistency and a match between words and actions replaced political rhetoric.


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