
Friday, October 31, 2008

Conservatism? Socialism? Huh?

So let me get this straight. John "The Capitalist" McCain is using public money to run his campaign while Barack "The Socialist" Obama is running a privately funded one. Is that right?

Now, which presidential candidate defended ‘Progressive’ taxation from the charge of ‘Socialism’ with this quote: "When You Reach a Certain Level of Comfort, There's Nothing Wrong with Paying Somewhat More"? Not Obama. Not 2008 candidate McCain. It was 2000 candidate McCain. What he defended then, and supported throughout the Bush regime, he now decries as socialism. What a political hack.

'Spreading the wealth' is nothing new to U.S.

Do you like clean water? And safe food? And paid vacations? And employer-based health insurance? And insured bank deposits? And Social Security? Thank a liberal.

"Call him John the Careless" by George Will


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