
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why primary care doctors are fed up

Good point. This is another aspect of how things have decayed in this country since the advent of "trickle down" economics. With the current system of profit-before-care and pushing money to the tops of large corporations instead of doctors and other actual healthcare providers, we have been systematically pushing people away from such noble (yes, noble) professions.

Some people think that Obama simply inherited a horrible budget deficit and unsustainable debt from obligations such as the VA, Medicare, Medicaid and the healtcare of government workers. He most certainly has, and the problem was intentionally made worse over the last 8 years, instead of receiving improvement. However, it is the fundamental shift in American economics that began in 1981 that is at the root of a host of our most serious economic problems - including paying healthcare workers for providing what should be the highest quality care in the world.

Under the mnemonic of "the magic of the free market", a generation of Americans has seen their quality of life decline for the first time in American history. Before "voodoo economics", it was commonplace for a working-class family to flourish with one income. This allowed stronger families and economic freedom for things like starting a business or taking a chance on a small start-up. Now things are much more difficult, largely because of the massive wealth redistribution brought about by Reganomics, and massively accelerated by dubyanomics.


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