
Monday, October 05, 2009

Republican ethics and family values

Always nice words, but here are their actions:

Cheat on your wife with a staffer. Then hire staffer's husband to pay them off. Then get staffer's husband hired as a lobbyist, including lobbying for said cheating GOP Senator. Then negotiate, through another GOP Senator, a cash payoff to try to make the whole affair go away. Not just immoral, it's against the law. Business as usual with the new Republican Party and their unquestionable moral superiority.

The most laughable part is the Republican explanation. Oh, the Senator didn't pay off his mistress and her husband. The Senator's parents just decided to present the mistress and her husband a GIFT of almost $100,000, and technically, there's nothing illegal about it.

Speaking of ethics ... Newsmax. That would be the "news" organization that called for the US military to stage a coup against its own government. They just so happen to be sponsored by ... wait for it ... the Republican National Committee. Shocking, huh?

Oh, why not report on just one more nugget of joy from the GOPpers. Want to hear the latest Republican talking point? As usual, it's completely false and just made up to scare people away from discussing a serious topic as adults. Here we go:

Bachmann: "Sex Clinics" In Schools Will Result From Health Care Reform
"if health care reform passes, the nation's schools might begin offering abortions to students"

That is just how ridiculously far mainstream Republicans are from reality. This is the kind of looney stuff they'll make up, expecting "the base" to believe it, all in the name of opposing anything by anyone other than the party faithful.


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