
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kettles and Pots in WI

Wow, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

GOP Rep. Ryan: Republicans Are Putting Politics Over Principle

For those outside of Wisconsin, Ryan fancies himself as a national up-and-comer in the GOP. To that end, he consistently touts the party line, votes as told, and will place national political interests above the interests of his own constituents. His record on job losses alone is enough to show how much of an "outsourcer" he is. But now that it's becoming fashionable to appear "anti-establishment", this tool takes a break from doing party bidding to claim to be above the party? Sorry, Rep. Ryan. Your record speaks much louder than your latest words.

By the way, exempting big business from all taxation (and making up for it by adding more taxes on the working class), abolishing Medicare and handing Social Security over to private crony contractors is still exactly what your party is pushing for. So how exactly does that make you different?


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