
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Words or deeds?

One of the current, untrue talking points coming from the right is that Obama wants to gut Medicare, and Republicans are fighting to preserve Medicare.

Let's look at the actual actions the Republicans have taken, rather than just listening to the rhetoric:

The Bush Administration, with full Republican Congressional support, passed Medicare "Part D" as a way to raise medication costs to Medicare recipients while transferring massive wealth from the taxpayers to drug companies by overpaying for medications. Now they hold this up as an example of how government should not be involved in healthcare.

On April 2nd, nearly four-fifths of House Republicans tried to ABOLISH Medicare completely. They voted to converted Medicare into a voucher system, providing future retirees with a fixed amount of money to buy private insurance plans. Those plans could then raise premiums without bounds, deny any coverage on the grounds of pre-existing conditions, and deny benefits to those that are not profitable enough.

Follow the money, not the talking points.


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