
Friday, July 23, 2010

Cutting waste - more great change

I remember the Clinton/Gore campaign talking about the dangers of government waste that had built up in the previous 12 years of Republican rule. They were so successful in reversing that trend and reducing government waste that they not only balanced the budget, but created a surplus that was on track to completely eliminate the national debt in a decade.

Unfortunately for the working class of the United States, Republicans returned with a vengeance and government waste not only returned, but exceeded the massive levels of the 80s. The budget was shifted horribly out of balance as government spending rocketed to new levels.

Part of the change what we wanted when voting President Obama into office was to once again reign in wasteful government spending, correcting the damage caused by the previous eight years of runaway spending.

Republicans tried their best to stop this bill, and were successful with their parliamentary maneuvers in delaying a vote, but once a vote was allowed, they were unable to prevent the will of the people from being victorious. We're once again on a path of reducing government waste.

Thank you, Mr. President.


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