Illustration of two different approaches to campaigning. When faced with adverse weather, McCain cancels his appearances. When faces with adverse weather, Barack Obama is not willing to disappoint the people who have showed up, expecting him to speak.
http://tinyurl.com/5b789lMore typical Republican tactics - Elizabeth Dole is now playing fabricated audio of her opponent to smear her.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/29/dole-ad-fabricates-audio_n_138874.htmlThat would be the Republican smearing a Sunday School teacher and an elder at her Presbyterian church - saying that she's an atheist. The new GOP - no truth, no shame.

Check it out: a Republican governor, to the utter horror of his party, is IMPROVING the ability of his citizens to vote. He is willing to go against the GOP strategy of keeping voter numbers down, just because it's the basis for our country's government. Guess that's McCain's payback for picking Palin over Crist.
http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1008/Crist_extends_voting_hours.html?showallMeanwhile, in Georgia voters line up at 3:30am in 30 degree temperature for polls to open at 9am. The Republican Secretary of State criticizes Democrats' call for extension of early voting into Saturday, and refuses to extend early voting. They're scared too many Democrats will vote early, so they want to suppress it.
McCain is now claiming that Obama's network ad forced a shift in the World Series start. This is a complete lie, and McCain knows it, but keeps on repeating it over and over. As is typical when the new Republicans repeat false slander, it's because they're hiding their own guilt. McCain's own speech DID shif the NFL season opener.
http://tinyurl.com/5hxnrlOf course, violence against Obama supporters at McCain/Palin rallies is escalating
http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/10/mccain-miami-rally-getting-ugly-down.htmlRather than policy, this is the cornerstone of the Republican plan to win elections
http://oxdown.firedoglake.com/diary/1171Funny how there are no, or almost no, reports of flips in the other direction.